Independent moviemaker Andy Copp needs money-money-money to get the cameras rolling on his latest joint, CHURCH OF THE EYES, and he's willing to give a producer credit to anyone who helps make it happen. Ten bucks, twenty, fifty, whatever you can spare. He wants to shoot this movie yesterday, but he'll settle for tomorrow. Now admittedly we've never seen one of Andy's productions, but we know him well from the message boards and he's a heck of a nice guy so we sent him some cheddar. Besides, we want to find out more about this creepy-looking school bus.

Looking for Investor Funds
The latest production from Andrew Copp is CHURCH OF THE EYES, an experimental, rock and roll, horror, return to his roots a la THE MUTILATION MAN and BLACK SUN. Written by Andrew Copp and Kevin Jones with some additional material by Nick Williams, the movie is a trip into the heart of spiritual decay and madness as one man confronts mortality. He experiences a deep loss after his girlfriend dies in a car crash, and as he falls deeper into depression and sorrow, he decides the only way out it is to simply find God and kill him in retaliation for taking away all that he has loved. The project was conceived by musician Keven Jones as a vehicle for his music imprint "Swineburner" and has developed into a beast all its own.

While the movie is set to start shooting soon we are still nowhere near were we need to be funds wise. Due to the economy, two thirds of the saved money that was going towards the budget was lost (thanks lost jobs and GM faulty cars!) and we are simply not willing to forego shooting another year, as we have postponed that long already. We need to raise a substantial amount to do this right. We can get started on what we have and make an okay movie. But if we can raise some decent money we can make the movie we NEED to make.

This is where you THE FANS come in. We are asking for your help. Coppfilms has always been pretty quiet when it comes to this sort of thing, but we are asking this time. We are asking for the fans to donate some money towards this production to get it going properly. There will be a paypal button below at which you can donate however much you can give.

Anyone who donates will receive credit in the film in a special producer line. And anyone who gives more than $25.00 will get a special free gift from Coppfilms. Be sure when you donate to include your name and information so we can properly credit you in the end credits of the final film.

We need all the help you can give and we need it fast to make this work. So please help us out. We've been in making underground movies since the mid 90's and want to continue. But we need the fans support.
Thank you
Andy Copp
Click HERE to visit Andy’s site and see the different donation options.
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