"Harder Says Lensing Done on 'Just Like a Honkey'" TAMPA, FLA. -- Charles Harder, director of Gulf-United Productions' "Ain't That Just Like a Honkey," reports that photography on the screen romp, described as a "sort of black-humor laugh-in," was completed Thursday (June 10). The 85-minute color feature, produced by Jerry Kohake and starring black nightclub entertainer Wildman Steve, is charted for July release. Wildman Steve is featured as narrator for a film clip sequence, according to Harder. "While most of the humor is black-oriented, it is in good taste and a possible cross-over of the film into the white market may result," the director said. In addition to his reputation as a nightclub entertainer, Wildman Steve has recorded eight comedy/party albums (Laff Records) and he received rave reviews in the June issue of Penthouse magazine. "Ain't That Just Like a Honkey" was photographed by John E. Cosgrove, with sound by Peter Kouris. (Boxoffice, June 28th, 1976, p.4)

actually, it played in my hometown of albany, georgia at the state theater, which frequently hosted the old-school double features, whether they be the kung-fu or blaxploitation sets. this was a place that you could sit in the balcony and partake in your drug of choice. it had the red velvet curtains and all.
I'm from Miami and I have been looking for this movie for quite some time now, I saw it back in the day and thought it was very witty, Wildman deserves more recognition.
Holy shit! I missed this comment! Any recollections of plot/story/etc. and the theater you saw it, we would love you forever!
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