by Kris Gilpin
1) Canadian film: The _______ _____ in the World: SADDESTMUSIC
9) Starred Gena Rowlands & Denis Leary in '95: NEONBIBLE
11) Stone film about a guy who showed his weenis on stage: DOORS
13) What said weenis can do: PEE
14) "Everything" in England: (THE) LOT
15) What's always stained when you're hit by a car: UNDERWEAR
17) The 13th _____.: FLOOR
18) Majors or Marvin: LEE
19) Nic Cage eats 2 huge cockroaches onscreen!: VAMPIRESKISS
22) Brian Cox's beloved old dog is killed by scumbags: RED
23) aka United Press International: UPI
24) The Ox played this amazingly in the Who: BASS
26) Counterfeit bills, etc.: FAKES
27) Big turd: ___ and 1/2: COP
28) Ringo named his boy this: ZAK
30) The only motion picture to feature Sir John Gielgud -- & a close-up blow job!: CALIGULA
33) "Star" of Das Boot & Hunt for Red October: SUB
35) Alternative "alternate.": ALT
37) People used to flick it in commercials: BIC
38) Johnson: TOR
39) He was the Dust Devil: ROBERTBURKE
41) Burt comedy about death: (THE) END
42) Gorgeous Julie Dreyfus played her in Kill Bill: SOPHIE
43) Uber-nerd: "Dood, I just ______ in a Boba Fett Milk Bone for a rare sheet of Tarkin toilet paper!!": TRADED
1) The ______ Dwarf: SINFUL
2) Big turd: ____ ____ Fred: DROPDEAD
3) A tiny bit of a dying fire: EMBER
4) An Angel at My _____: TABLE
5) Alternative to a savings account?: USE IRAS
6) Some women have this inside them: IUD
7) Where the awesome Dust Devil was shot: AUSTRALIA
8) The name of the Forbin Project: COLOSSUS
10) Born (re: a female): NEE
12) Nickname for Aussie hopper: 'ROO
16) Campbell: NEVE
17) aka picture: FLICK
20) _____ Suite: PLAZA
21) More hazardous: RISKIER
22) Brooks & Attenborough: RICHARDS
25) Mineo: SAL
26) aka flying rubber: FLUBBER
29) Simon & Garfunkel, for instance: DUO
31) This cutie cut off someone's head in Kill Bill: LIU
32) Biting to the taste & smell: ACRID
33) Patrick & Ralph played him: (JOHN) STEED
34) aka Uma in Kill Bill: BRIDE
36) Big turd: Boat ____: TRIP
40) Plumb or Arden: EVE
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