Cleveland Plain Dealer - June 22, 1973 - "Action Tab" p. 4

Written and directed
Robert D. West
Produced by
Homer Baldwin and Cal Clifford
Cinematography by
Homer Baldwin
Edited by
Homer Baldwin
Music by
Tom Baker and Dene Bays
A Venture Film Production Co. release
Running time: 88 minutes
Original title: MR. FENTON
Marji Dodril (as Mrs. Miller)
Donald E. Miller (as Mr. Miller)
Tom Kelly (as Scott Miller)
Carol Cary (as Mrs. Edith Barlow)
Al Miskell (as Mr. Fenton)
Robert D. West (as The Minister)
Variety - June 20, 1973

Boxoffice - March 12, 1974
Written and directed
Robert D. West
Produced by
Homer Baldwin and Cal Clifford
Cinematography by
Homer Baldwin
Edited by
Homer Baldwin
Music by
Tom Baker and Dene Bays
A Venture Film Production Co. release
Running time: 88 minutes
Original title: MR. FENTON
Marji Dodril (as Mrs. Miller)
Donald E. Miller (as Mr. Miller)
Tom Kelly (as Scott Miller)
Carol Cary (as Mrs. Edith Barlow)
Al Miskell (as Mr. Fenton)
Robert D. West (as The Minister)
Variety - June 20, 1973

Boxoffice - March 12, 1974

Now this one sounds interesting...
I'd love to track down a print, though I doubt it's doable.
Would make an interesting double bill with The Blob, given the higher leanings of its producer/directors.
Wish I could've seen this one!
Don't know how I missed this before. Bob West (who passed away a few years ago) was one of my professors at Kent State. I had no idea he'd made this film.
And strangely enough, Google tells me this may have played on Wadsworth cable access (where producer Homer Baldwin was a producer) this past October. I've emailed station management to see if that's the case.
More on this one, plus screen caps!
Good news, schlockers - I have made a new dvd transfer from the one existing 16mm print that is in Bob West's possession (btw - he's not dead). Together we recorded audio commentary for the picture, and I cut a trailer out of the vhs copy - you can see this on youtube! I am currently authoring the dvd and THANK GOD for this site and it's newspaper reviews, which I'll include on the disc. Keep in touch.
The Wednesday Children screens at Cinematheque on Saturday, October 29, 2011 @ 7 p.m. The director, Bob West will be there for a discussion and Q&A. Details at:
Bill Johnson
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