by Kris Gilpin
1) Film about a reality show: TRUMANSHOW
8.5) Secret spy: MOLE
9) Wrote about boys from Brazil: IRA (Levin)
10) 3 Dog Night told you he was coming: ELI
12) Top: CEILING
13) Shit Flick studio: TROMA
15) Familiar: FAM
16) In the crotch, baby: LOINS
18) Bizarro midnight movie about a mutant baby & more: ERASERHEAD
21) Sandra B. surfing: (The) NET
22) Do these initials mean anything to you?!: FU
23) ___ Paulo: SAO
24) He was Thing-Fish, Chunga, Sheik Yerbouti, Man from Utopia, Grand Wazoo: FRANKZAPPA
28) Evening (lit.): E'EN
29) What's the ___?!: USE
31) Beatles' cry: HELP
32) Pseudo hippy who made some great 70's films: HALASHBY
35) He farted in a phone booth: RAINMAN
39) Starred as 31 down, directed by 32 across: BUDCORT
42) Devil's ___: OWN
43) Vowels: E,I,O
44) Beatles' blues: "YER"
45) Flowers on your front: LEI
46) Now-obscure Lili T. road movie: BRIGHTANGEL
2) Flair & Mayall: RICS
3) Suffix, office or function: -URE
4) Meg & Tom got it: MAIL
5) Ran from huge reptiles: (Sam) NEILL
6) Saturday Live Night?: SLN
7) Nine to five filmmaker: (Colin) HIGGINS
8) People chanted in it, "No rain! No rain! No rain!": WOODSTOCK
8.5) Eclectic group formed by 24 across: MOTHERS
8.9) It'll scratch your back: LOOFA
11) Video player?: GAMEFAN
14) More in Madrid: MAS
17) National Endowment for the Arts: NEA
19) Physical Patrick D. movie: RUN
20) Vid copies: DUPES
24) Surrealist from Italy: FELLINI
25) Speaks for an actor: REP
26) Early Michael C. film: ZULU
27) Film speed: ASA
30) 'Bots or replicants: CYBORGS
31) Loved an 80 year old woman on screen: HAROLD
33) Single-celled organism: AMEBA
34) Film pic: STILL
36) Ability to inspire dread: AWE
37) It was up there for Kevin B.: AIR
38) Black (Fr.): NOIR
39) Auto-____ (Ger.): BAHN
40) Married C. Grant: DYAN (Cannon)
41) Central: CEN
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