The serpentine story takes place during May of 1975, an especially hectic month in Hong Kong history. After accepting over 130,000 Indo-Chinese refugees who were fleeing communist takeover in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, the United States closed its doors and forced the remaining 12,000-to-18,000 to pour into makeshift camps in Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, and – yes – Hong Kong. At the same time, Queen Elizabeth II became the first reigning monarch to visit the colony in 133 years of British rule, an event that required massive amounts of police and military security. Into this powder keg comes Belfast IRA killer George Walsh (Lazenby, hilariously voiced by a whiny Brit who only tries for an Irish brogue in every third scene) and his motley band of international assassins -- familiar faces include Jimmy Wang Yu, Bolo Yeung and American starlet Judy Brown (THE BIG DOLL HOUSE, WOMEN IN CAGES) -- who are apparently in town to kill the Queen at any cost. But with a Cambodian princess (Angela Mao) and all of her riches stowed away in a nearby farmhouse, any halfway attentive viewer will know where this is going by the midway point. Other plot twists are competently handled and won’t be spoiled here. Director Shan-si Tung has a lot to juggle and manages to keep most of it in the air for the full 96 minutes. Others in the cast are Tien Ni a.k.a. Tanny (from the BLACK MAGIC movies and CLEOPATRA JONES AND THE CASINO OF GOLD), Dean Shek, Lung Chan, Chun Hsiung Ko, and - although I never actually saw him - Sammo Hung. Lazenby, who had already done one movie each with Mao (STONER) and Wang Yu (THE MAN FROM HONG KONG), was next seen in KENTUCKY FRIED MOVIE and Al Adamson’s DEATH DIMENSION.
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