Barbara Mills
Richard Smedley
Lori (Laurie) Rose
Vincent Stevens
Sandy Dempsey
Norman Fields
Lyle Vann
Jim Pannin

Written and Produced
Edward Everett
Directed by
Arthur Byrd
Director of Cinematography
Hal Guthu
George Manly
Film Editor
Lawrence Avery
Script Supervisor
Kelly Green
Key Grip
Jerry Jade
Color by
An EVI “Rear Window Series” production
An Entertainment Ventures release

Rich, jaded big-game hunter Steve Vandemeer no longer gets his kicks from killing dumb animals. He decides to hunt the most cunning and dangerous creatures on earth – human beings.
Vandemeer invites Cindy and George Stone, model-agency owners, and two of their models, Barbara and Joan, to his private hunting preserve. These four are intended live game.
Ever the sportsman, Vandemeer also invites Jeff Baxter, a young professional hunter, just to make the contest less one-sided.
Vandemeer entertains his five unknowing guests royally at his palatial estate the night before “the hunt.” All retire except Jeff and Barbara, who, after getting to know each other, make love on a bear-skin rug by a comforting fire.
Barbara shares a guest room with Joan. Barbara tells Joan that she and Jeff made love. Joan, a lesbian, is furious. Barbara, to assuage the girl’s hurt feelings, makes love to her in the huge sunken tub in their bathroom.

Early the next day, the crazed Vandemeer tells his guests just what he has in mind. He gives them a half-hour head start. One-by-one Vandemeer and his two henchmen pick off “the game.” Joan is raped and killed, as is Cindy. George is killed. Only Jeff and Barbara survive. Jeff has managed to kill the two henchmen.
In a fierce man-to-man fight, Jeff kills the mad Vandemeer, and he and the dazed Barbara begin the long trek back to civilization to tell their weird tale.

What a great one sheet!
Not exactly on topic but I had a chance once to buy two big boxes of stills like the one seen here at 10cents per still (this was in the early eighties) but they were all for movies that I had never even heard of so I passed. In retrospect, I kick myself for the years of potential fun I missed tracking them down!!
With a name like Smedley, it's gotta be good!
Just asked Miz Lisa Petrucci about this one, and she said that Dave Friedman had no elements left from this one. :( Print collectors unite!!
Richard Smedley! Former husband of Lana Wood and sometime Al Adamson and Cheri Cafarro collaborator. Whatever happened to that guy?
I'm amazed to find any mention of this movie on the web. I knew of its existence only from a preview I saw long ago and, oddly, the accidental showing years later of just the first reel at a drive-in theater. After that, the theater showed reels 2 through whatever for the rest of the advertised movie. I'm not sure anyone noticed but me. Apparently whoever sent them the movie screwed up the shipment.
The plot was taken from Richard Connell's great short story, which has been made into a movie many times, including "The Woman Hunt," also starring Laurie Rose (one of the great babes of the era).
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