by Kris Gilpin
1) Film: Very realistic robots, but "they haven't perfected the hands yet.": WESTWORLD
6) Hot Amanda: PEET
9) Suffix, means "full of": -OSE
11) Bloody Sam's swan song: OSTERMAN (Weekend)
13) He once did some very bad things: (Peter) BERG
15) This home-hostage hold-up was hilarious!: (The) REF
17) He told this harrowing story from the end to the beginning: NOE (Irreversible)
18) Greasey nerd: EDDIEDEEZEN
21) God's Little ____: ACRE
22) Temporal lobe epilepsy: TLE
23) Pre-email: SNAILMAIL
27) Lighter than air: LTA
28) ____ beyond: FROM
30) Fitting name for 70's schlockmeister, Jerry _____: GROSS
32) Doesn't live here anymore: EXPAT
33) Pacino: "Great ___!": ASS
34) Paul W. was this music-producing creep in a musical tale: SWAN
35) 18 across was in this popular drive-iner with a beautiful rainbeaux: LASERBLAST
38) Remade when Dennis was with Meg: DOA
39) Rider or $: EASY
41) ____ of faith: LEAP
42) These dudes wore goatees a half-century ago: HIPSTERS
44) Adorable woofer with an eye ring: PETEY
45) Old P.I.s would throw their hat at this: COATSTAND
1) Made 8 Down: WOODYALLEN
2) Curly consonant: ESS
3) Woofers that live in Ireland: SETTERS
4) Drug addled John B. book & film: WIRED
5) Papers in school: LINED
7) 18across's name in . . . 18 across: EUGENE
8) ____ ___ _____ ___ run: TAKETHEMONEYAND
10) Worked with Crowe twice -- & lived to tell of it: DENZEL
12) We ___ marshall: ARE
14) Male fish sperm (really): ROE
16) White, soft goat product: FETA
19) Miller, for short: DEN
20) He was ugly as he ran through a western cemetery: ELI (Wallach)
24) I am at _ ____: ALOSS
25) The beginning of pythons: "IT'S..."
26) 12" film: LASERDISC
28) ______ pussycat!: FASTER
29) Godawful Robert A. film: R.T.W. (Ready to Wear)
30) Hung out with a boy (who was a jerkoff) on paper: GALLANT
31) Repub. of S. Africa: RSA
32) Jenkins & Fitzgerald: ELLAS
36) 42 Across would have listened to this: BOP
37) Filmic bomb: FLOP
40) Dario A's greatest production!: ASIA
43) You can ride them in Chicago: ELS
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