Sunday, August 15, 2010

One-Sheet of the Week: MAKING OUT (1983)

When this opened in Los Angeles in October 1983, it was identified as SCHULMÄDCHEN-REPORT 13 (1980).  Two months later Aquarius booked it in the New York tri-state area, where several (if not all) of the theaters ran re-titled prints of Michel Lemoine's DESIRE UNDER THE SUN (1982) instead.


Marc Edward Heuck said...

The title font on the poster is clearly meant to suggest/mock the font used for the 20th Century Fox coming out drama MAKING LOVE. I actually found a one-sheet of this and gave it to MAKING LOVE screenwriter Barry Sandler, who was quite amused by it.

Rob said...

Is there a DVD of this movie?

Temple of Schlock said...

Rob -- The movie MAKING OUT technically doesn't exist. It's a generic poster designed to advertise whatever prints the distributor or sub-distributor happened to have at the moment. As I explain above, it was one movie in L.A. and a completely different movie in New York. In fact, Aquarius opened MAKING OUT in over 80 theaters in the NY tri-state area, and it could very well have been 80 different movies!