From the guys who brought you SLIME TOWN BLUES!
69 MINUTES (1976)
Joe Leahy
John Chambers
Cindy Allison
Twila Pollard
Bill Williams
Michael Davenport
Vic Jolley
Produced and directed
Ian Morrison
Executive Producer
Jack Poessiger
Associate Producer
Joe Leahy
MPAA rating: R
Released by N.B. Releasing
Running time: 75 minutes
Release date: October 6, 1976
Joe Leahy
John Chambers
Cindy Allison
Twila Pollard
Bill Williams
Michael Davenport
Vic Jolley
Produced and directed
Ian Morrison
Executive Producer
Jack Poessiger
Associate Producer
Joe Leahy
MPAA rating: R
Released by N.B. Releasing
Running time: 75 minutes
Release date: October 6, 1976
We believe the "Krakatoan Wedding Ceremony" clip that appears as an extra on the TRAILER TRASH disc is from this obscure GROOVE TUBE rip-off. Can anyone confirm?
Variety - August 4, 1976
Variety - August 13, 1976

Boxoffice review
"A biting satire of television 'magazine' format shows, this hard-hitting film uses stimulated 'authentic' video presentations to return TV to its proper domestic setting which, according to one of its newspaper barker lines, doesn’t happen to be the family room. Unlike previous motion pictures which spoofed the tube, this one pretends to be a full segment of a certain popular weekly TV magazine program. To achieve the video look, producer-director Ian Morrison has intercut videotape-to-film transfers within the feature. These segments are utilized only for introductory TV studio settings in which the anchorpersons introduce various reports and alleged exposes. Switching from tape to film has given the entire production a genuine video look. The magazine format also has afforded the filmmakers the opportunity to spoof network commercials, local spots, public service announcements, station breaks, network identifications, promotions, adjoining programs and the hosts of the magazine as well. Certain segments are on the 'blue' side and the producers have geared the satire’s appeal to the under-30 market. Musical score is appropriate and the technical credits of this exploitable N.B. Productions satire are generally good. Prints are by DeLuxe.STORY
The film opens with a typical TV billboard (“Tonight on ’69 Minutes’…”), followed by introductions of the anchorpersons. Preceding the show are the usual commercial messages, which are variations on well-known products, including “Mr. Whipper” squeezing “Charming,” a lovely lady selling the merits of “underwater real estate,” and “a lost tribe of degenerates ruined several decades ago by the introduction of the credit card system.” Airing the magazine show is CBX, “The Outlaw Network,” and it leans heavily on commercials. There are pitches for “Best Car Buy for Under $82” and “If It’s Not Fresh, I’m Out of Business.” CBX throws in a few good words for its upcoming shows: “Dungeons of Fun,” “Colored Cowboys” and “Rolling for Wheelchairs.” The magazine show’s backbone is its exposes. They include “Microwave Degeneration,” “Woodstock IV,” “Dr. Klabbitz, Pioneer of Malpractice” and suburban housewives “Cruising for Jailbait.” Also included is a test of the civil defense warning system utilizing actual H-bomb footage underscored by pleasant dance music.Boxoffice - April 11, 1977
I remember 69 Minutes.
boy, did it suck!
I saw it a long time ago. I dont remember it too good. Was it worse than Groove tube?
The uncredited producer of 69 Minutes is sitting next to me at this moment. He confirms that the Krakatoan Wedding segment mentioned above did, in fact, come from 69 Minutes. the main character of the Krakatoan scene was a striptease artist named Tangerine, a dancer still performing well past her use-by date.
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