Directed by Albert Zugsmith
Written by Albert Zugsmith and William Maron
Original story by William Maron
Produced by Roger Gentry
Executive Producer: Alfredo Talarewitz
Associate Producer: Susanne Suzan
Susanne Suzan, Rene Bond, Rick Lutze, Britt Mari
Released by The Fanfare Corporation
Running time: 90 minutes
MPAA rating: R

Hollywood is under siege by a masked maniac who is terrorizing the city by raping and cutting young girls.
The police have been unable to catch this mad genius of rape and sadism because his method of entrapping or catching the girls is so varied and resourceful.
No girl in Hollywood is safe on the streets or even in their own home from this fiendish monster who chloroforms girls on the street, drags them into his curtained van, manacles them spreadeagled to the sides of the van, rapes them, cuts a bloody swastika into their quivering flesh and dumps their bruised and battered bodies unceremoniously into the gutters.
When the home of AMBER LYTE, beautiful young classified ad taker for the Los Angeles Free Press, is invaded by the masked marauder and AMBER is raped, beaten and cut in her own shower, she decides that she is going to do what the police haven't done -- catch the rapist!
Enlisting the aid of a lovely young girl, SUZANNE SUZAN, the celebrated Swedish beauty, to use psychological means to capture the sadistic fiend, the two young girls set a horrendous trap for the rapist.
Then using a home made electric chair and a blow torch, the girls attempt to torture a confession from the rapist. The action filled, unique true-to-life film is based on a composite of seventeen sadistic rapists from the files of the leading police departments in the United States, where rape is on the continuing increase.

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