Sunday, October 23, 2016

Movie Ad of the Week: Ed Wood's NECROMANIA (1972-1983)

Akron, OH - January 24, 1972

Kansas City, MO - August 2, 1972

San Antonio, TX - February 3, 1973

Detroit, MI - April 4, 1973

Manchester, NH - June 15, 1973

Akron, OH - February 4, 1974

Rochester, NY - May 22, 1974

Keyport, NJ - November 9, 1974

Los Angeles, CA - June 15, 1975

Corpus Christi, TX - November 2, 1976

St. Louis, MO - May 15, 1977

Philadelphia, PA - November 24, 1978

Albuquerque, NM - July 24, 1981

Albuquerque, NM - May 16, 1983

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting that it continued to play in film theatres till late 1970s and early 1980s. Ed Wood cult was well into existence by that time, but nobody noticed this film popping up here and there in the theatres.