Saturday, May 07, 2011

William Grefé double feature at the New Beverly Cinema on May 19th!

Three weeks ago we had the pleasure of spending the weekend with legendary Florida filmmaker William Grefé and his wife Grace at their North Carolina mountain home. We'll post more about that visit later this week, but right now we're pleased to announce that Bill will be appearing at the New Beverly Cinema on May 19th for a rare double feature screening of his films THE HOOKED GENERATION (1968) and IMPULSE (1974). Details are below.

Eric Caidin & Brian Quinn
Grindhouse Releasing
The Grindhouse Film Festival

New Beverly Cinema
7165 Beverly Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90036
(323) 938-4038

Time: 7:30-11:30 pm
Admission: $8.00
Special guest: William Grefé

Directed by William Grefé
Starring Jeremy Slate, Steve Alaimo, John Davis Chandler, Willie Pastrano, Cece Stone, Socrates Ballis and William Kerwin

IMPULSE (1974)
Directed by William Grefé
Starring William Shatner, Ruth Roman, Jenifer Bishop, Kim Nicholas, James Dobson and Harold "Odd Job" Sakata


John Charles said...

Nice! Somebody needs to sit down and record some more commentaries with the man.

Marty McKee said...

One of my Twitter homies handed Shatner an IMPULSE poster to sign at Wizard World last summer. Shatner looked at it like he had no idea what it was. Finally he asked, "Is this the one where everyone dies?"

ibrokemydick said...

A couple months back i went to seattle and saw the jaws of death on 35mm and loved.the print still held its color, just alot of acidburn. really wished william grefe' was there.I would really like to meet him.

David C. said...

I introduced Jaws of Death @ The Grand Illusion (Seattle) the 3 nights it played Jan/Feb 2011. As the cinema is a volunteer/non-profit & also spent money to ship the print, it wasn't possible to afford Mr. Grefe the proper travel/hotel arrangements to make an appearance (cross-country) despite my sincerest efforts to make that happen. He was most interested but I couldn't pull it off! I'm hoping They Came From the Swamp will be released to DVD/possible limited theatrical run (doubtful!) very soon! The website has been stagnant for 2+ years. The Grefe interviews & Shatner/Impulse inclusions have been finished but still no word on completion of the project unfortunately (very much so!)